If you already have an account, please contact the Helpdesk at helpdesk@ncsrisk.org or 888-847-8870 to recover your login information. Thank you!
Please create a user id and password that you will use to access your account  

Common names like Mary and John are not good choices as they are most likely already in use.
Common abbreviations like 'jsmith' and 'mjones' are also likely to already be in use.
We suggest using your full name (without spaces) or email address as they are more likely to be unique.

Create a User ID:
Create a Password:

Your user id is case sensitive. We recommend that you use all lower case letters and avoid spaces and punctuation. Email addresses are ok. Your user id must be at least 4 characters long.
Your password must be at least 8 characters long.

Important note about selecting passwords